4 Steps To Removing Your Limiting Beliefs — The “Dirty Work”

Matt Aponte
12 min readJan 24, 2020

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4 Important Steps for Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs

In this blog post I am going to share the 4 very important steps that you absolutely must take to identify and destroy the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from achieving the success you so deserve and the goals you are trying to achieve.

And if you follow all the way through to the end, I’m going to share with you the one simple task that you can take to completely wipe your limiting beliefs from your subconscious mind for good!

Ready? Great, lets get started!

At the beginning of every year most people set resolutions or goals that they want to achieve for that year. However there is a large percentage of people that will fail at their New Years Resolutions by Feb 1st!

I have seen the percentage range from 80% to over 90%, but no matter what the percentage, that is a HUGE amount of people that are starting off their year already failing.

I was one of them and I am sure you have been one of them as well.

You may have asked yourself WHY this happens every year with seemingly no fix in sight.

Is achieving goals only reserved for the 1% or the best of the best?

Well the reason why so many fails to see their goals to completion is because of their limiting beliefs.

Now I am sure that you have heard this term before, it is a very common term, but do you know what they really are and where they come from?

What a limiting belief is, are things that you have been told and observed from your environment ever since you were a little baby throughout your whole life.

The limiting beliefs that you are told your entire life shape everything that you do. They have even prevented you from seeing opportunities and ultimately reaching your goals.

So, to identify the limiting beliefs in your life, you must ask yourself why things aren’t working out.

Once you’ve identified and defined your limiting beliefs, it’s not enough to just identify them, you have to start releasing them so you can move forward and live the life you’ve always dreamed of living and achieve the goals that once before seemed unachievable.

Keep in mind however, that this process must be done in a very specific way in order for you to be successful at it.

I also want to add that this is the same exact process I took that allowed me to see a 1,000% increase in the average contracted sale of my company. Simply by successfully removing the limiting belief that I had which controlled my self-worth….

Ok let’s dive in!…. First you’re going to need some necessary tools so that this process is effective.

And those tools are, 2 blank notebooks and 3 ink pens.

Now the pens have to be different colors, and the colors you are going to need to use are Black, Blue and Red.

I like to refer to these pens as your Magic Wands…. and I will share with you why it is important to use these specific colors and why these pens are going to be so powerful for you a little later in this video…..

The first step you have to do is….

1. Write Down the Limiting Belief

But before you can write them down, you will have to play detective to follow your thoughts and emotions to discover your limiting beliefs. I really want you to take your time with this part because this is the most important part of the whole process and if you don’t do this right, none of the other steps will be effective.

Also I want to mention to you that this could be an emotionally painful process, because it might require you to uncover or bring back up some painful childhood memories or experiences from your past that might have been traumatic for you.

So you may need to take a few days for this, or in my personal case I called on the help of a trusted friend and accountability partner to really help me do a deep dive into my past and help realize some things that I couldn’t realize myself and to ask questions that I didn’t initially ask.

But however, you choose to do this, give it a lot of importance, find a quiet place or some downtime to really meditate on these things, and you might be surprised as to what you find.

I know when I went through this process I was surprised to find out where my limiting belief of self-worth was coming from. And it was quite eye opening.

So in this part of the process you are going to need the RED pen… or magic wand… that you gathered and one of the notebooks.

One of your notebooks are going to hold your limiting beliefs, and the other one is going to be for the new beliefs that you are going to write down to replace those old ones.

Writing them down is extremely important because up until now, these limiting beliefs lived in your subconscious mind, or the non-physical which is your meta-physical mind.

Once you identify them, and then write them down in RED ink, you are bringing them into your physical world, once they are here, now you have the power to deal with them in any way you choose.

So, write down your limiting beliefs. It is also very important that you spend some time noting how strong each of the beliefs is and what emotions they elicit from you.

There are some areas of your life that you will want to investigate to see what kind of limiting beliefs you have related to those areas…. And those are:

Your Health, Your Wealth, Your Love, Your Relationships

These are the 4 core areas that make up all our lives. You can even get more specific if you want like I did, and I even went into my limiting beliefs with success, self-worth and how I operate socially.

You can choose to tackle all of them in your life at once, or you can choose to target one specific subject in your life.

Either way you do this, is up to you.

Once you have all of them flushed out and written in your notebook in RED ink, then you can move on to step #2!

Before we move forward, I want to discuss the significance of the color RED.

While everyone’s association with the color RED can be different, what is true across the board emotionally and psychologically is that the color RED evokes a strong emotional response, it is considered to be an intense or even angry color that creates feelings of excitement or intensity.

This is very important because we want a strong emotional energy attached to these limiting beliefs as they are written down.

Ok, let’s move on to step #2….

2. Acknowledge They are Beliefs and Not Truths

Acknowledging that these are beliefs and not truths is the hardest step in releasing your limiting beliefs. The beliefs you’ve held your entire life, seem like there are real.

However…. Understanding that they are not set truths is fundamental. You have the choice to either continue to defend these limitations or let them go so you can begin reaching your goals.

What many also find when going through this process is that those limiting beliefs, were not even yours to begin with.

You will find that many if not all your limiting beliefs will have been programmed into you by either your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or just common beliefs that are spun by society and other propaganda.

Once you realize this, it will be a lot easier for you to acknowledge that they are not truths, they are just ideas that were handed down to you without you even having a choice.

For me this was really empowering because it meant that I could now move forward and take total control and recreate my own beliefs and ultimately my own life.

And that takes us into step 3.

3. Consider and Create Different Beliefs

This is the fun part of the process because you get to use your imagination, you can NOW consider different beliefs that are more in line with what you truly want out of your life.

It might be something like, “Now that I’ve been in an unhealthy relationship, I now know what to look for in a loving and happy partner.”

Or, “Now that I know that my scarcity mindset wasn’t mine to begin with, I want to start living in abundance.” And then begin to imagine what that will look like for you!

The trick to making this work is going beyond merely saying it. You have to be able to feel how this new belief feels. When you can do this, the first two steps will go a long way to dismantling your current limiting beliefs.

Once you can feel it, now you need to take your second notebook and your blue pen and write them down. These new beliefs must directly replace your old limiting beliefs.

In this instance Blue represents transition and new beginnings, it also represents devotion in a spiritual sense. This is powerful because this is going to correlate with your creative mind and your subconscious mind which is very powerful.

4. Take Different Actions

Now that you are aware of your limiting beliefs, you are going to start to hear the words you say and the self-speech you create. Pay attention to this because you will occasionally have to correct yourself when you catch yourself repeating old limiting beliefs.

Doing things differently can be a little bit scary, but in order to release your old beliefs that have been limiting your potential, you have to act as if this new belief is true.

Because If you avoid taking any steps toward your new belief, you will merely be feeding your old limiting belief and will continue to fail to reach the goals you set.

Making even the smallest step will help to solidify your new beliefs and destroy your old limiting ones.

Allowing your limited beliefs to continue to dominate your life will only continue your disappointment in not being able to reach the goals you set for yourself.

Now for my bonus step!

Do you want to completely release these limiting beliefs from your subconscious and make it much easier to begin establishing your new beliefs?

Of course, you do!

This is a 2-step process, so once you have really flushed out your limiting beliefs, this is where your BLACK pen comes into play.

Open your notebook that contains your limiting beliefs, go through them and start marking and striking them out with a BLACK pen. While you are doing that, say to yourself

these are no longer my beliefs and they no longer have any control over my life.

See, the color BLACK represents permanence, power and authority…

In a spiritual sense the color black is used in cleansing situations and is representation of forgiveness and absolution of the past or present mistakes. It’s like giving you the power to begin anew.

Ok that was part one, the second part of this, is after you have stricken out your old beliefs, now you must burn them.

This will permanently release and destroy your old beliefs. As we all know fire represents eternal destruction, but it also represents an opportunity for re-birth like a phoenix that rises from the ashes!

But before you throw your notebook into the fire, you have to say out loud,

These beliefs were never mine to begin with and will no longer exercise control over my life. I am disassociating them from my being and discarding them to make room for new positive and enlightening beliefs.

Then toss them into the fire and watch them turn to ash. I promise you if you do this you will immediately feel a weight lifted off you.

Following these steps will allow you to begin thinking in a different, more productive way and eliminating the self-limiting beliefs that have always held you back.

Now you can look forward to this year and for the rest of your life with renewed optimism. The world is yours, go get it!

About the Author

I am an entrepreneur, CEO, Certified Real Leadership Coach and High Performance Success Coach. However, my story began long before any of those achievements, so here is the short version.

It began 18 years ago at the age of 23.

I began to have questions about my faith and what I believed. Especially when it came to what I believed with regards to spirituality, God and religion. After beginning to have these questions and think about them more internally. I began to realize that I was living a lie and so I began to question everything I believed the past 23 years of my life.

Yet I still did not think it was possible to live my own life and to be honest about what I thought I might believe in and how I felt about it… not without going against the church, my family and my social circles. I did not even know who I really was at this point and I lived in fear of who I might be because of what was taught in church.

So I continued to lead a double life and lie to myself, for another 5 years. Then everything came crashing down when I found out my wife of 4 years was having an affair. This seemed to give me the license I needed to finally be honest to myself and about myself. But little did I know that this was going to leave me completely alone in my life, forcing me to start over at 28.

My parents, my family, my friends, my wife, my acquaintances and even those within my professional circles shunned me because I decided that I did not believe what they believed anymore and what was taught in our church.

I quickly, literally overnight, found myself in this world completely alone with no one to turn to because everyone I had ever known and developed a relationship with, was of that same belief and of that same religious organization. And because I made my choice, they completely cut me out of their lives. Even my parents would not socialize with me anymore.

As I tried to move for ward, and developed new friendships and relationships, it still seemed normal to me to lie and to tell people what I felt they wanted to hear. It was not until after 6 years of failed friendships, relationships and business ventures, that I realized that being confident in who I was, meant being honest!

Not only honest about things that I felt or the way I thought, but about what I did or did not like, who I did or did not like. Also what I did not believe in and most importantly what I did believe in.

I began to learn that I could be myself without lying about it or putting on a front, and without hurting others in the process.

At the age of 34 I made a promise to myself to always be honest, open, transparent about how I felt, what I thought and my opinions on the matter and to respect myself… NO MATTER WHAT!

This has lead me to a life of deep, deep self discovery and self development over the past 7 years. To really learn what it means to know oneself and to love oneself and to be able to stand firm in your truth, confident and powerfully no matter what.

It took me 12 years from the time I was “woke” to really learn who I am and what my story is… and to be proud of that.

Now after devoting the past 7 years of my life to learning about the subconscious, mindset, self development, self discovery, leadership, communication, relationships and self love.

I have made it my mission to help others on their own paths of self discovery and then self development.

In my years of experience I have learned that these areas are directly connected to the amount of success one achieves in their lives, or does not achieve.

This is who I am, this is my mission, this is my passion, this is my WHY.

To learn more about Matt Aponte, visit his YouTube Channel, follow him on Instagram subscribe to his weekly podcast. Or visit his website here.



Matt Aponte

Matt is a CEO, Master Certified Real Leadership & High Performance Coach. He is passionate about personal development and helping people become their best self.